Menopause can be a time in life to celebrate, a time of new freedom, a time of reflection and inspiration. However, hormonal changes can wreak havoc with energy, sleep, sexual function, temperature regulation, and your emotions.
Assessment and Treatment
Paracelsus offers many treatments for hormone imbalances, such as:
Diet modifications
Custom-formulated tinctures
Specific vitamins and minerals
Herbal remedies for symptoms
Bio-identical hormone replacement
Mood balancing therapies
In the Know: Hot Flashes
Menopause brings with it many symptoms, including hot flashes. Hot flashes occur when the body cannot control the temperature in the body. Hot flashes feel like extreme heat in the body, can come on without warning, and cause sweating, flushing, and a rapid heart rate. Some women only experience a couple of hot flashes a day, where others can have many each day. These flashes can last from a minute or two to up to 30 minutes. It is not completely clear what causes hot flashes, but most doctors believe it is a disruption in estrogen levels. Hot flashes can also lead to unpleasant night sweats. Naturopathic therapies can help with this too.
While hot flashes are associated with menopause, these symptoms can be greatly reduced with the appropriate natural remedies, such as herbs, specific foods, and dietary changes. The doctors at Paracelsus have many natural choices to help alleviate hot flash symptoms.