While the severity of GERD differs in each patient, if left untreated, damage can be done to the esophagus due to the acidity of the stomach contents. Paracelsus can assist in controlling GERD and its symptoms.
Assessment and Treatment
Treatment of GERD may include:
- Avoidance of specific foods and substances
- Detailed lifestyle changes
- Avoiding triggering medications
- Nutritional supplementation for management and recovery
- Smoking cessation
In the Know: Hiatal Hernia
It is estimated that 15% of Americans suffer from a hiatal hernia, which can be caused by an injury to the upper diaphragm area, persistent pressure on the muscles around the hiatus, or being born with a large hiatus. Small hiatal hernias are common, and oftentimes people do not know they have one.
While hiatal hernias can cause uncomfortable symptoms like GERD, they can also be managed. This includes eating smaller meals, limiting acidic foods like citrus and foods with caffeine like coffee, and avoiding lying down right after consuming a meal. The doctors at Paracelsus can help you diagnose your issue and work with you to minimize symptoms.
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NEED TO GET PATIENT STORY – DR BROUSSEAU? I had been a diabetic for six years. Dr. Barker made himself available to answer all my questions about my diet and health. I haven’t felt this good in years.
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